«  Dr. Rajesh Raipancholias's articles in Khaleej times     «  Treating heart attack with angioplasty & stenting     «  Female heart is vulrenable to cardiovascular disease     

Comprehensive range of cardiac care services
HeartFirst Medical Centre offers a complete range of cardiac examinations, treatments and intervention services.

  • ECG
  • Exercise stress test
  • 2D –Echocardiography and Colour Doppler studies
  • Stress echocardiography
  • Vascular Doppler and colour flow duplex
  • Pacemaker control and programming
  • Holter monitoring (24 hours ECG)
  • 24-hour blood pressure monitoring


Electrocardiogram (ECG).

Detection of heart attacks and severely impaired perfusion of the heart muscle.
Detection of previous heart attacks.
Differentiation of cardiac rhythm abnormailities.

Exercise Stress Test/ Stress ECG

The stress ECG provides more information than a rest ECG since the oxygen demand on your heart is greater while exercising. A positive stress test indicates that there is reduction in blood supply to the heart.

24 hour holter monitoring

Recording of ECG onto a microchip during everyday routine activities using a portable recorder
Documentation of cardiac rhythm over a period of several hours
Detection of cardiac arrhythmias

Colour Doppler Echocardiography

This ultrasound examination is a key method used in cardiology for non-invasive investigation of many important functions of the heart. Doppler echocardiography has a pivotal role in detection of the following:

Heart muscle weakness:
Diagnosis and documentation of the severity of the disease.

Coronary heart disease:
The ejection fraction (EF), which can be measured by echocardiography, is a vital prognostic parameter.

Valvular disease:
Doppler echocardiography is now the gold standard for assessment of heart valve defects. The indication for corrective surgery is based on the findings produced by this method.

Stress Echocardiography

Computer-assisted ultrasound examination of the heart with the patient exposed to drug-mediated stress (e.g. dobutamine) or to mechanical stress induced by bicycle ergometry or tread mill test:

  • Detection of reduced blood supply to the heart muscle when subjected to exertion
  • Functional evaluation of borderline narrowing detected during cardiac catheter examination

Colour Duplex of the Arteries (Carotid Arteries and Limbs)

This is an ultrasound-based examination for visualization of the arteries and veins blood flow to the brain and limbs.

  • Detection of an incipient form of arterial calcification of the carotid artery
  • Visualization of blockage and occlusion of arteries
24 Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Aids in detection of Hypertension.
  • Ensure adequate control of Blood Pressure.

Cardiac Pacemakers
We are able to investigate almost all types of pacemakers. Any surgery that may be required is carried out at one of our affiliated hospitals.

Cardiac Checkup

To know your personal (statistical) risk for cardiovascular diseases. We can evaluate your personal risk and formulate strategies for management of atherogenic risk factors.

We offer a comprehensive  cardiac health check, which includes the following examinations:

  • Physical examination
  • ECG
  • Exercise ECG
  • Colour Doppler ultrasonography of the heart
  • Measurement of certain laboratory parameters

The results will be discussed with you during a detailed consultation and you will be given a copy of the results together with our recommendations.
Besides individuals, this service could also be of interest to companies who wish to make a contribution to looking after the health of their employees.

Additional services offered in collaboration with affiliated hospital:

  • Trans-esophageal echocardiography
  • Cardiac catheterisation 
  • Coronary angiography
  • Coronary balloon angioplasty and stent implantation
  • Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Multi-Slice CT
  • Electric cardioversion and defibrillation of arrhythmias

Treatment of acute heart attacks:

We ensure that patients suffering an acute myocardial infarction can be treated at any time and without delay in the cardiac catheterization laboratory at our affiliated hospitals. Based on current scientific data, PTCA (opening up of the infarcted vessel/stenting) procedure for restoration of coronary blood flow.

Transoesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)

This entails ultrasound-based examination of the heart from the oesophagus using a probe which is introduced through the mouth. We recommend this examination for

  • Suspected endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves)
  • Shunt lesions (congenital heart defect)
  • Suspected intracavitary thrombi (clots)
  • Thoracic aortic aneurysms (bulging of the aorta)
  • Malfunctioning of prosthetic valves
  • Certain acquired heart valve defects
  • Heart tumors

Cardiac Catheterization/Coronary Angiography

A coronary angiogram is an investigation to detect narrowing of the coronary arteries or damage to heart valves or muscle. An angiogram takes 30-40 minutes to perform. It is performed under local anesthesia. Immediately after the procedure, the results and further procedures are discussed with the patient.

The spectrum of our invasive  treatment services comprises:

  • PTCA (dilatation of the coronary vessels)
  • Stent implantation
  • A decision to proceed with heart surgery is made in the course of the cardiac surgery conference.

PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty)

The guidewire is advanced through a guide catheter already implanted in the artery, advancing it beyond the blockage. Then, the balloon catheter is advanced until the balloon is positioned exactly within the blocked area.

When the balloon is correctly positioned, it is inflated. Sometimes, the patient feels a little pain, while the balloon is being inflated, because the blood flow through the artery is briefly reduced or blocked. This pain should subside once the balloon has been deflated.

Once the artery has been sufficiently opened up, we remove the deflated balloon catheter. By taking further X-rays we can evaluate the improvement in blood flow.

Balloon Dilatation and Stent Implantation

During angioplasty, vascular dilatation is conducted using a balloon, which is filled with a liquid. The balloon is advanced over a very thin guidewire into the stenosis; one or more metal stents are implanted in the course of most of our PTCA procedures.

The stent, which is mounted on a balloon catheter, is introduced into the blood vessel. We advance the balloon catheter into the blocked area of the artery and then inflate the balloon. On inflating the balloon, the stent expands and presses against the vessel wall.

The balloon is then deflated and withdrawn. The stent remains permanently in position, keeping the vessel open and improving blood flow.

Advantages of stent implantation

  • Avoidance of acute coronary artery occlusion (and as such, avoidance of emergency surgery or of infarcts)
  • Reduced restenosis risk


Under certain circumstances, electrocardioversion (electric shock) is needed to treat some forms of cardiac arrhythmias, such as atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation. This treatment procedure calls for brief anaesthesia and is performed by us at our affiliated hospitals.

The patient can be discharged from the hospital a few hours later.

Other Services at our Affliated Hospitals:

  • Implantation of temporary cardiac pacemakers
  • Puncture and drainage of pericardial effusions